The AWF is accepting donations now. Please help us make a difference by clicking on your flag and giving generously. We really appreciate your kindness. Click here to donate now.

The AWF is accepting donations now. Please help us make a difference by clicking on your flag and giving generously. We really appreciate your kindness. Click here to donate now.
In Amy’s memory, we work to inspire children and young people to build their self-esteem and resilience, so that they can flourish.
Our work is inspired by Amy’s spirit, her love of children and the challenges that she faced in her own life.
Today, the Amy Winehouse Foundation helps thousands of young people to feel supported and informed so that they are better able to manage their emotional wellbeing and make informed choices around things that can affect their lives.
We’re able to do this because of the support we receive from people like you. Anyone who believes in young people can become a part of our work and Amy’s legacy. By supporting our work, you will help them to transform their lives, flourish and be heard.
‘Amy Winehouse’ and ‘Amy’ trademarks by kind permission of the Winehouse family.
Amy Winehouse Foundation. Registered charity 1143740 (England & Wales). Registered office: 5a Bear Lane, London SE1 0UH