Amy's Place - Recovery housing for young women

“It gives me a safe environment where I can grow. I no longer feel alone”. 

Leaving drug and alcohol treatment is rarely easy, but it can be especially difficult for young women. Many will be overcoming histories of abuse and trauma, and their support needs are often more complex than those of a man in the same situation. In fact, research shows women have a far greater chance of relapsing into drug and alcohol use if they don’t have the right kind of support, which understands their situation.

Amy’s Place is our award-winning way of helping. It’s one of only a few projects to bridge the gap between young women leaving addiction treatment services in the UK, and finding independent accommodation.

Clip used with kind permission of London Live.

Why Amy’s Place works

Amy’s Place is designed for women in the UK aged between 18 and 30. It offers them a safe place to live after they leave treatment by providing homes for up to 16 young women at a time. Each is given a self-contained apartment and is supported using a ‘co-production’ model, which means we work closely with the women to understand the support they need, and then tailor our approaches accordingly.

As a result, the young women learn the skills they’ll need to re-adapt into everyday life and maintain their recovery.

Amy’s Place: winner of ‘Best Addiction Charity’ award from the Centre for Social Justice

We are extremely grateful to our fantastic partners at Clarion Housing and to all our staff, volunteers and residents for their dedication and input into creating a place where young women can have fresh starts, flourish and fulfil their true potential. Too often, young people who are struggling are stigmatised and written off by society, but together we can change that.

Leaving drug and alcohol treatment is rarely easy, but it can be especially difficult for young women. Many will be overcoming histories of abuse and trauma, and their support needs are often more complex than those of a man in the same situation. In fact, research shows women have a far greater chance of relapsing into drug and alcohol use if they don’t have the right kind of support, which understands their situation.

Amy’s Place is our award-winning way of helping. It’s one of only a few projects in the country to bridge the gap between women leaving addiction treatment services and finding independent accommodation.

Clip used with kind permission of London Live.

Why Amy’s Place works

Amy’s Place is a safe place for young women to live after they leave treatment. It provides homes for up to 16 young women at a time, Each lives in a self-contained apartment and is supported using a ‘co-production’ model, which means we work closely with residents to understand what support they need and tailor our approaches accordingly.

As a result, the young women learn the skills they’ll need to re-adapt into everyday life and maintain their recovery.

Amy’s Place: winner of ‘Best Addiction Charity’ award from the Centre for Social Justice

We are extremely grateful to our fantastic partners at Clarion Housing and to all our staff, volunteers and residents for their dedication and input into creating a place where young women can have fresh starts, flourish and fulfil their true potential. Too often, young people who are struggling are stigmatised and written off by society, but together we can change that.