London Irish Centre – Christmas lights

Mitch and his wife Jane, together with several members of the AWF team, had the pleasure of visiting the London Irish Centre this month, to turn on their Christmas lights.

We were delighted to be invited to this event, as the London Irish Centre is located just a few doors away from Amy’s house in Camden Square and Amy used to stop by for a chat from time to time with some of the people visiting the Centre.

We enjoyed a wonderfully festive evening, which included Irish music, carol singing, mulled wine and mince pies. The highlight for Mitch, was singing White Christmas around the Christmas Tree with the London Irish Pensioners – it was just like a scene from his favourite film, ‘It’s A Wonderful Life’.

Much of the London Irish Centre’s work is with the elderly, but they also provide support for many young people too. This work includes assistance with finding accommodation for the homeless and information and guidance on a whole range of issues including housing, benefits, accessing health services and debt management. One of their achievements has been to launch their own football team, which has connected over 70 young people. In 2010/11 the Centre also worked with 281 survivors of institutional abuse and they have helped many of these people access much-needed counselling.

The staff and volunteers at the London Irish Centre provide incredible support for some of the most vulnerable members of the capital’s Irish community and we really enjoyed supporting them at their event. You can watch our video of the event below and see an interview of Mitch on Expose here.

About the Amy Winehouse Foundation

In Amy’s memory, we work to inspire children and young people to build their self-esteem and resilience, so that they can flourish.

Our work is inspired by Amy’s spirit, her love of children and the challenges that she faced in her own life.

Today, the Amy Winehouse Foundation helps thousands of young people to feel supported and informed so that they are better able to manage their emotional wellbeing and make informed choices around things that can affect their lives.

We’re able to do this because of the support we receive from people like you. Anyone who believes in young people can become a part of our work and Amy’s legacy. By supporting our work, you will help them to transform their lives, flourish and be heard.

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