On September 26, The Amy Winehouse Foundation was named ‘Societe Generale Charity of The Year’ at the European Diversity Awards. We are extremely honoured to have won this title (especially as competition was so fierce) in recognition of our work in the fields of equality, diversity and inclusion.
We are also especially proud that our win was in what would have been Amy’s 30th birthday month. It was her kindness and compassion for others that inspired our dedicated team – who have quickly established the Amy Winehouse Foundation as a charity that does important, pioneering work. Our win is down to their exceptional hard work and commitment over the past two years.
It wasn’t the only gong we came home with from last night’s ceremony, however. Our very own Mitch Winehouse was a runner up in the ‘Hero Of The Year’ award, sponsored by BNP Paribas. Mitch was thrilled with his award and humbled that, in the short time since he and his family set up the foundation, we have managed to do so much.
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported us over the past two years. The recognition proves that we are doing work that is making a difference, and that people can relate to. With your support, we will continue to be a champion of vulnerable young people, no matter what their background, and work hard to improve the lives of thousands – all in Amy’s name.
You can find out more about the awards at www.europeandiversityawards.com.