Prevalence Study in Lancashire

This week Jane Winehouse, together with Tuba Mazhari from our Prevalence Study team, visited Fleetwood High School in Lancashire to meet students who have recently taken part in our Resilience Programme Prevalence Study. The main aim of the Study, funded by the Big Lottery, is to identify current trends in substance use. This information can then be used to demonstrate […]
The Amy Winehouse Foundation Resilience Programme supports teachers by ensuring that: They have increased knowledge, access to support and information about drug and alcohol issues. They are better able to identify students at risk of substance misuse. They have greater knowledge, skills and confidence to support young people, including those who are directly affected by […]
Young People
The Amy Winehouse Foundation Resilience Programme supports children and young people by ensuring that: Those aged 11-18 have better awareness and knowledge about the effects of substance misuse on their physical and mental health, emotional wellbeing, relationships and future achievements. Those affected by substance misuse and/or parental substance misuse are supported to achieve (and […]
The Amy Winehouse Foundation Resilience Programme supports parents by ensuring that: They have information about substance misuse issues, as well as and increased knowledge of the support on offer and how to access it. They are better able to communicate with their children about drug and alcohol issues. They are provided with school parents evenings, […]
How The Programme Works
The Amy Winehouse Foundation Drug & Alcohol Awareness Programme brings together the Foundation’s existing work with Addaction’s Skills 4 Change, which supports those young people affected by a parent’s drug or alcohol problems. It supports any student that seeks help, and: Helps to reduce substance misuse and anti-social behaviour […]